
Showing posts from June, 2020

A Few Easy Ways To Take Care of The (Our) Environment

The stay-at-home orders issued by governments to keep citizens safe and control the spread of coronavirus have inadvertantly contributed to a reduction in air pollution because pretty much all activities ceased. That had a really good impact on our environment - the air became clearer, water bodies cleaner and fun fact - even the wild animals dropped in to see what a city in lockdown looked like. India before and after lockdown We live here on Earth, and if it weren't for this amazing planet, we'd be done for. So, we might as well take a few steps towards making it a healthier environment to live in, for us and for wildlife and of course, for generations to come. Here are a few  steps  you could take care of our planet and trust me, they're super-easy! 1) Do Not Litter 🚯 This is a term we are so familiar with that we see it on pretty much everything - from soda cans to the box of your favourite pizza, but I'm pretty sure most of us don't give it due attention. Alth

Ever Heard of Sea Bunnies?

They are these very cute and equally toxic type of sea slugs. Recently I saw a meme about sea bunnies and it really brightened up my day. There wasn't anything inspirational there - they were just cute and cuddly-looking (cuddling them probably won't be a very good idea because of their toxicity), so I thought I'd share this with you. :D Here's a cartoon I drew of a sea bunny (left) and an actual sea bunny (right). Can't tell the difference, can you? These sea slugs became an internet sensation in 2015, and I guess it's pretty understandable why. Contrary to being called "bunnies" they move very slow much like their cousins, the slugs. Most of this species are less than an inch long, half the size a slug generally would be. They're usually found in the Indo-Pacific Ocean and are also known by the less-cute, more scientific name of Jorunna parva. Their origins are not very clear but they are said to have been sighted in and around the Philippines, T

Monday Motivation

After a "tgif" vibe and two whole easy-going days, I find Mondays particularly painful. And there comes Tuesday, a lesser pain, and then Wednesday when things seem not so bad. Then the week goes on and by Friday I'm usually exhausted, only to be blissfully blessed with the weekend by the amazingly designed Gregorian calendar. I find it so hard to wake up, and my eyelids will indignantly stay plastered shut for a very long time, but I somehow manage to wake up because I know that there are things in life that I have to do because I am responsible for my life, and if things go wrong, I am primarily responsible, and I think that this applies to everyone. Recently I watched an Arnold Schwarzenegger video on YouTube where he spoke about his 5 rules to success. I've been watching it every single time I'm tired. It worked for me, so I thought that I'd share it with you. :) Here are his 5 rules and a small explanation of them that I wrote. I've also posted the vid

The Search For Inner Peace

Hello! This is a short story that I wrote for a competition, for which the theme was "Peace",  a few months ago that I won first place in. I never thought that I'd win because I wrote this in an hour or so. It was all very rushed and it didn't get due attention. And yes, I am humbly proud of this because I never even considered the possibility of me winning. The version you see here is an edited one because there were some slips in the writing that was submitted. Hope you enjoy! 😊 The Search for Inner Peace I packed up all my things getting ready to go back home for the weekend. My eyes fell on a small drawing of a man, woman and a young boy and girl, taped onto the clinic wall. I do not know what happened to them, although it was I that drew them from my memory. I just know that I wish I had more time. I pushed back my chair like I always do at the end of the day. I wasn’t tired. I liked knowing that I was helping sick people and trying to give them hope eve

Why Am I Here?

Hi! I'm Minnelli, and you might be wondering why I'm here. So really, why am I here? And who am I? I'm in high school, and I have quite a number of interests like architecture, painting, reading, playing the guitar and I recently discovered that I actually had a small liking for creative writing and just writing in general (but mostly creative writing). I was averse to writing anything at all before, and wrote only when it was absolutely necessary and certainly not for fun. But a few recent events made me realise that it wasn't such a bad thing after all and also, a lot of my friends and family have asked me to start a blog for me to share my writings with the world. That's what you're reading right now. I believe that we don't need huge movements to change the world. Just one simple act of kindness could change someone else's world for the rest of their life. Small things make this world a better place. My friends and family have helped me through t