
Showing posts with the label Life

Publishing A Book I Wrote

I have been thinking of publishing a book I wrote when I was back in 8th grade for a school assignment. I think it turned out pretty well for a 12 year old's piece of work, albeit a little cringey, it's still cute and a solid piece of work. Or at least I think. I have been wanting to publish it for quite some time now, but my intense fear of being judged held me back. I even wanted to illustrate it, but I never did, because I never thought I would ever be able to deal with the criticism.  Recently, I have been thinking about my career, and I came to the realisation that I actually have done quite some good work, and I really, really like writing, but I have almost nothing to show for it. I felt like a hypochondriac with pneumonia. I could say I love writing. But people won't believe me. So I decided, to hell with anxiety, I'm going to put myself out there and actually work on publishing my book. If it turns out sucky, I can blame it on my younger self (I'm sorry lit

Updates from the Past Year - Part 2

Hello again! This is part 2 to my previous blog post:  Part 1 . I have been trying to break into social media, like I said before, but it is proving to be particularly hard. A reel I made recently made 3k views and I now have a 6.7k reach, most of whom are non-followers, so that is a win. If all these words are hurting your brain, don't worry, I'll break them down for you. Reach is where your content "reaches" people, regardless of whether they are following you or not. This could be through hashtags, through the explore page or trending audio, etc. Although it can be a little discouraging at times, I guess it's all about consistency.  I also tutor on the side, and I recently got my Working With Children Check, which is like a license to work with children in Australia. Since I will be starting a new temp job at uni (I'm so hyped!) next week at uni where I will primarily be working with children, the WWCC will come in handy. I'm super exited about this job

Updates from the Past Year - Part 1

 Hello everyone! It's been a minute since I have posted anything here, and I'll tell you why in a sec. There is a Part 2 for this post that shouldn't be too hard to find, and if this sort of thing is boring for you, skip, skip, skip. Nobody is forcing you to read, but I definitely am judging you. I have been working on a lot of projects, and most of all, I moved to Sydney and started uni! I just completed my first year at university, and I am excited to be starting my second year in a couple weeks. Taking a double major in English and Psychology proved to be way more challenging than anticipated, but I really am enjoying my course. A lot of people ask me why I am studying English and Psychology, and someone even asked me what I can do with a degree in English, and the answer is, a lot more than you think! Go Google it. Like please.  Writing has always appealed to me, and I have attempted to write a book more times than I can count, and I have been as early as 5 years old! N