
Showing posts with the label Research

"Maus" Reviewed: The Award-Winner That Got Banned

Content Warning: Violence, Anti Semitism and Adult Themes Art Speigleman’s Maus is an artfully crafted story where he recreates his father’s Holocaust (or the Shoah in Hebrew) experience. Having won a Pulitzer Prize, this comic portrays the brutality of Nazi regime with the use of mice, cats, pigs and dogs, a visual manifestation of Speigleman’s quote “Maybe vulgar, semiliterate, unsubtle comic books are an appropriate form for speaking of the unspeakable.” The Complete Maus is comprised of two books; Maus I: My Father Bleeds History and Maus II: And Here My Troubles Began . The first book follows Vladek Spiegleman, Art Spiegleman’s father, through his life from the mid 1930s to winter 1944. Spiegleman weaves the interactions he has with his father into the story using a dual timeline, allowing readers to interact with Vladek’s younger self and the person he is at the time of conveying the story to Spiegleman. This alternation between current events, where Spiegleman is interacting

The Gentleman's Duel - The Twelfth Night

The Code Of Honor—A Duel in the Bois De Boulogne, Near Paris , wood-engraving after  Godefroy Durand ,  Harper's Weekly  (January 1875). Image from Wikipedia. The gentleman’s duel is an arrangement between two people where they engage in combat with matched weapons. This practice was particularly common during the 17th and 18th centuries, where the opponents faced each other in the event where one of the two parties had offended the other. The two parties would duel although it was most likely that both would survive in the end, as it was mostly considered a symbol of risking one’s life to restore honour to both parties. In The Twelfth Night, Viola, who is disguised as a man who goes by the name Cesario, has to face Sir Andrew in a duel, and before the duel Sir Toby Belch gives Sir Andrew advice by saying “so soon as ever thou seest him, draw; and, as thou drawest swear horrible; for it comes to pass oft that a terrible oath, with a swaggering accent sharply twanged off, gives manh

A Modern Approach and Interpretation of Shakespeare's Othello

Othello. Image from Wikipedia. Othello was a play written by Shakespeare presumably in the years 1603 and 1604, during which a peace treaty was signed between England and Spain. This might have brought about the memory of the War of Cyprus that occurred when Shakespeare was much younger, inspiring him to write a play set in Venice around the time of this war. Othello was a Moor that Shakespeare portrayed as a kind, brave and charismatic character, contrary to the common belief at the time where people usually saw Black Moors in rather disdainful light. In Act 1 Scene 3 of Othello, Iago tries to humiliate Othello in front of the Duke and judges by exposing Desdemona’s marriage to Othello, which was carried out without the consent of Brabantio. Previously, Iago and Roderigo wake Brabantio up and break the news of his daughter’s elopement “to the gross clasps of a lascivious Moor”, giving Brabantio the impression that she has been forced to wed. Othello arrives and agrees to settle the

A Few Easy Ways To Take Care of The (Our) Environment

The stay-at-home orders issued by governments to keep citizens safe and control the spread of coronavirus have inadvertantly contributed to a reduction in air pollution because pretty much all activities ceased. That had a really good impact on our environment - the air became clearer, water bodies cleaner and fun fact - even the wild animals dropped in to see what a city in lockdown looked like. India before and after lockdown We live here on Earth, and if it weren't for this amazing planet, we'd be done for. So, we might as well take a few steps towards making it a healthier environment to live in, for us and for wildlife and of course, for generations to come. Here are a few  steps  you could take care of our planet and trust me, they're super-easy! 1) Do Not Litter 🚯 This is a term we are so familiar with that we see it on pretty much everything - from soda cans to the box of your favourite pizza, but I'm pretty sure most of us don't give it due attention. Alth

Ever Heard of Sea Bunnies?

They are these very cute and equally toxic type of sea slugs. Recently I saw a meme about sea bunnies and it really brightened up my day. There wasn't anything inspirational there - they were just cute and cuddly-looking (cuddling them probably won't be a very good idea because of their toxicity), so I thought I'd share this with you. :D Here's a cartoon I drew of a sea bunny (left) and an actual sea bunny (right). Can't tell the difference, can you? These sea slugs became an internet sensation in 2015, and I guess it's pretty understandable why. Contrary to being called "bunnies" they move very slow much like their cousins, the slugs. Most of this species are less than an inch long, half the size a slug generally would be. They're usually found in the Indo-Pacific Ocean and are also known by the less-cute, more scientific name of Jorunna parva. Their origins are not very clear but they are said to have been sighted in and around the Philippines, T