A Few Easy Ways To Take Care of The (Our) Environment

The stay-at-home orders issued by governments to keep citizens safe and control the spread of coronavirus have inadvertantly contributed to a reduction in air pollution because pretty much all activities ceased. That had a really good impact on our environment - the air became clearer, water bodies cleaner and fun fact - even the wild animals dropped in to see what a city in lockdown looked like.

India before and after lockdown

We live here on Earth, and if it weren't for this amazing planet, we'd be done for. So, we might as well take a few steps towards making it a healthier environment to live in, for us and for wildlife and of course, for generations to come. Here are a few steps you could take care of our planet and trust me, they're super-easy!

1) Do Not Litter 🚯

This is a term we are so familiar with that we see it on pretty much everything - from soda cans to the box of your favourite pizza, but I'm pretty sure most of us don't give it due attention. Although very cliché it's a very easy thing to do. So the next time you excitedly unwrap that brand new piece of tech, please be sure to dispose of the plastic and paper responsibly. Many countries have bins by the side of the pavement and if you're somewhere you don't have access to a bin, maybe you could put the trash in your pocket and throw it away once you get home. There are a million and one ways to get rid of trash without polluting the environment, so don't worry, there's always a way. 

2) Minimise Plastic Usage

At shopping centres and malls we almost always get our goodies wrapped in a bunch of polythene, but have you ever wondered if you really even need those bags? Guess not, because we'd usually throw out most of those when we get home. Paper bags are a better alternative and cloth bags an even better option. Buying a few cloth bags (they're cheap) would help the planet on the long run and they're also a really cute way to carry all your groceries. If you tend to forget them on the way to the store be sure to unload your groceries and put the bags back in your car, or keep them where you'd remember to pick them up for a walk the next time to go out for your shopping dash.

3) Fix Those Leaks 💧

Water is a precious resource but then we take it for granted until there's some water shortage and we start whining about it and when our water supply is back to normal, we usually don't give a second thought. Fixing some leaks can save A LOT of water, and nobody will really know that you helped conserve one of Earth's most precious resources and that you're actually some sort of superhero, but then you know you tried to make a change. :)

4) Plant A Tree 🌳

Although this might be bit of a hassle for some of you, you get to go out and could possibly lead to some good family time. Having some green around in your house would be nice, right? Fun fact#2: the colour green gives people a sense of calm. More reason to have a little green friend hanging around in your house. Also, if you live in an apartment you could still grow a plant or two. There are plenty of ways to grow plants now, just a bit of research on figuring out which way you'd like your plants to be (in pots, bamboos, or maybe where you water a plant at a top level and the water drips down to the lower levels (sorry, I don't know what you call this!)) is all you have to do.

5) Turn Off Appliances When They're Not In Use 💡

When electricity-consuming items are not in use it wouldn't hurt to switch them off. This way you could not only effectively lower the amount you're charged for your bills but also conserve a bit of energy. So remember the next time you leave your room to switch those lights off.

Extra: Know Your Portions 😋🍲

The next time you go out be sure to order portions that are pretty much perfect. If the portions are too large you could talk to your waiter to get one that you could manage, so that way you save food. 

Thank you for reading through, and I hope you try to make a change however small it is. This is our world and just like it takes care of us, we should protect it too. Happy Saving Earth!

Extra #2: Here's a really cool video about the Earth that some popular artists contributed to produce. You might've already watched it, anyway hope you like it :)


Animals Roam Areas Left Empty As Humans Remain On Lockdown | NBC News NOW 



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