Updates from the Past Year - Part 2

Hello again! This is part 2 to my previous blog post: Part 1.

I have been trying to break into social media, like I said before, but it is proving to be particularly hard. A reel I made recently made 3k views and I now have a 6.7k reach, most of whom are non-followers, so that is a win. If all these words are hurting your brain, don't worry, I'll break them down for you. Reach is where your content "reaches" people, regardless of whether they are following you or not. This could be through hashtags, through the explore page or trending audio, etc. Although it can be a little discouraging at times, I guess it's all about consistency. 

I also tutor on the side, and I recently got my Working With Children Check, which is like a license to work with children in Australia. Since I will be starting a new temp job at uni (I'm so hyped!) next week at uni where I will primarily be working with children, the WWCC will come in handy. I'm super exited about this job because I have previously worked as a volunteer tutor at an orphanage, and it is simply amazing to be able to "officially" work as a mentor to children, especially ones that come from low socio-economic backgrounds. I really hope that I will be able to help them understand that pursuing higher education is also an option for them, regardless of their history and background.

I also have to go get my RSA, which is a license for serving alcohol. It stands for Responsible Service of Alcohol. You are trained to serve and deal with alcohol responsibly, so you don't become an idiot, and you don't let alcohol take over the brain cells of a potential idiot. So you are learning how to interact with alcohol responsibly. I have completed the course already, I just need to go to a government office, show my credentials, get them verified, and I think that's it. I've been meaning to do it for a while now, and I might just go do that tomorrow.

The publication for the psychology society is due in a few days and I am on a time crunch trying to get that done without losing my mind in the process. Fingers crossed.

Right now, I have so much that I have to do, that it almost feels like I'm drowning (I quite literally am drowning in work), but I guess you eat an elephant one bite at a time.

Here's a beautiful Sydney sunset, because you're beautiful too ;)

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