Why Am I Here?

Hi! I'm Minnelli, and you might be wondering why I'm here. So really, why am I here? And who am I?

I'm in high school, and I have quite a number of interests like architecture, painting, reading, playing the guitar and I recently discovered that I actually had a small liking for creative writing and just writing in general (but mostly creative writing). I was averse to writing anything at all before, and wrote only when it was absolutely necessary and certainly not for fun. But a few recent events made me realise that it wasn't such a bad thing after all and also, a lot of my friends and family have asked me to start a blog for me to share my writings with the world. That's what you're reading right now.

I believe that we don't need huge movements to change the world. Just one simple act of kindness could change someone else's world for the rest of their life. Small things make this world a better place. My friends and family have helped me through tough times for so long, and if I did fall, they'd be there to heal the wounds and help me get back on my feet and I'm thankful for them being in my life. But, there are people in this world that are going through really tough times and some are probably wondering how they'd ever be able to find some hope, so they'd be able to keep going. So, I'm trying my hand at helping someone else. I'm not sure how good I will be, but since I haven't quite tried, I don't know. Maybe you'd find something here that would brighten up your day. Something that would put a broad smile on your face.

As for the question "Who am I?" I don't quite know the answer to that yet and I'm not sure if I'd ever know the answer to that either. But if I do, I sure would be glad to share it with you. So...I'll see you around.

Hope something here would make you happy.

Minnelli :)

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