Monday Motivation

After a "tgif" vibe and two whole easy-going days, I find Mondays particularly painful. And there comes Tuesday, a lesser pain, and then Wednesday when things seem not so bad. Then the week goes on and by Friday I'm usually exhausted, only to be blissfully blessed with the weekend by the amazingly designed Gregorian calendar. I find it so hard to wake up, and my eyelids will indignantly stay plastered shut for a very long time, but I somehow manage to wake up because I know that there are things in life that I have to do because I am responsible for my life, and if things go wrong, I am primarily responsible, and I think that this applies to everyone.

Recently I watched an Arnold Schwarzenegger video on YouTube where he spoke about his 5 rules to success. I've been watching it every single time I'm tired. It worked for me, so I thought that I'd share it with you. :)

Here are his 5 rules and a small explanation of them that I wrote. I've also posted the video down below, so feel free to have a go.

1) Find your vision

This is the most important and also most basic part of achieving pretty much anything at all. What I think is best to do is to have an end goal and several other sub-goals that you use to get to your final goal. In terms of football, that's like the passes the players make to score a goal. The passes are the sub-goals and the goal is, the goal, obviously. 😂

2) Never ever think small

Although its important to set achievable goals, I think it's just as important not to put yourself down. I make this mistake a lot, especially when tests are near. I totally freak out about everything, including the easy subjects, because I feel like I wouldn't be able to reach my goals. There's something you can do for that. Stop overthinking. Easier said than done, but after a bit of working on it, I'm sure you'll be able to get over it. Sometimes it's okay to be a dreamer, but you have to work towards making your dream a reality!

3) Ignore the Naysayers

Personally, this is one of the hardest things to do, because it really hurts when people say things. But it's true. You have to ignore what they say. But, they might actually be saying things that are worth considering. A bit of feedback, even if it's harsh, is not really a bad idea you know. Pay attention to what they say, but remember not to take it personally.

4) Work your a** off

"You never want to fail because you didn't work hard enough". That's Schwarzenegger. I feel that that quote is so important, because it drains you in unimaginable ways when you know that you could've done better, having had resources. And if you fail knowing you did your best, you don't really have to feel bad about it because you tried. Trying is mandatory, but winning is not. Winning is a perk of trying. ;)

5) Don't just take, give something back

Just as it's important to get the best out of the resources you have, it's also important to give back something to the world from what you've learnt, because we all matter. Our positive input is necessary to make this world what it is. "If not us, who? If not now, when?" So take a little time off to make a small change because, you matter. ❤️

"How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time."

What's with this elephant-eating thing? An elephant is huge and how exactly do you eat one? Little by little, because the way I know, we can't even fit our hand in it. So it would be wise not to try sticking an elephant in your mouth (also, please be kind to elephants). But really, big dreams and almost-impossible goals become achievable when you take it one step at a time. It's important to work towards your goals but remember to take a break and enjoy your way to success. It does not make sense to work like a robot, unless of course, you want to!

Disclaimer: I do not own anything here. The video and the 5 rules do not belong to me. Also, the content in those paragraphs are what I think of the subject and could include things I do. Not necessary that you definitely do them. :)

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