Welcome to my Blog!

 Hi! I'm glad you're here. I may not know you personally, but I really am glad you stumbled across my page and decided to give me your time. 

This is my blog. 

I am a university student majoring in English and Psychological Science, and I like to write about a lot of things; art, books, design, psychology. I am working on some projects these days, one of them being this blog, and also my website! It is a lot of work, because I decided to put up my own website as a way of keeping track of projects I work on, and also to share what I do with the world.

This is also sort of my portfolio. 

Feel free to browse through my older works, but I would definitely recommend the newer ones, because I get a severe case of the "icks" when I read my writing from a few years ago, so reader beware! I try to get a few articles published every week, because I really am trying to improve my writing and because I want to increase my scope. I want to be able to write about anything and everything, if I wanted to. In other words, I would like to be a generalist, until I figure out my niche(s). A bit too ambitious, yes, but let's see how that goes! I try to have a little bit of fun as I go, because I believe that good energy creates good things. So if I'm having fun while writing, the chances of me coming up with something sh*tty is quite low, I would say.

That's all from me for now. Make yourself at home, and I hope you enjoy your stay :)

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