Who Owns Shakespeare

Shakespeare is widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language. His works showcase the deepest feelings of humans, that the majority of us would be too ashamed to even admit the presence of. On reading Othello, I have been awed by such human emotion that is so vividly portrayed in Shakespeare's words. I also realised the amount of energy that a person, overcome with jealousy and hunger for power, is willing to put into another's downfall, instead of using this energy to improve oneself, and that even though this world has evolved in various aspects such as social and technological, those basic feelings are still prominently expressed and also underlie conflicts that occur at different levels, be it international or personal.

The themes of his work are based on human feelings. He shows that by being infatuated by one thing, and by being overcome with strong degrading feelings, you become rather possessed and unable to function on activities that you believe to be right, altering your conscience. People tend to lose a part of their humanity if they tend to work only for personal gain, and such persons are only human by their physicality.

Shakespeare belongs to all of us, no matter if we read his plays or not, because I believe that his work depicts parts of us, and that we should come to accept such characteristics instead of shun. His work speaks for all of us, because we all have a dark side, as well as wholesome aspects of our character. Shakespeare opens our eyes to how different circumstances lead one to believe things, although veiled by perception and personal interpretation, and shows us that there is more to life than just one, or a few obsessions. 

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